~* Title: Benefits of Ramadhaan (We need Ramadhaan)
~* Lectured by: Abu Uwais Abdullaah Ali (Rahimahullaah)
~* Translated by: Umm Hasna Firdous Bint Jabir
Ramadhaan is a month of Forgiveness.
Ramadhaan is a month of Rahmah.
Ramadhaan is the month of generosity.
Ramadhaan, the month that Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'ala accepts the Tawbah of the servants, and the month that Allaah blesses His servants.
We are in need of Ramadhaan to correct ourselves, for we have forgotten Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala for the majority of the year.
To correct ourselves for we have been neglectful.
To correct ourselves for we are not upon the remembrance of Allaah.
To correct ourselves because our hearts have gotten hard, some hearts are dead, some hearts are sick, some hearts are stone-cold, some hearts are black, getting no benefit whatsoever. Some hearts are so bad, and so ill that they see a good as a Munkar, (as an evil), and they see an evil as a good. These are not as they should be. We need a Ramadhaan.
We need a Ramadhaan because our connection with Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala is not correct.
We need a Ramadhaan because we do not have any Khushoo or devotion in our Salaah.
We need a Ramadhaan because our Quran has dust and is sitting on a shelf.
We need a Ramadhaan because we never read the books of Sunnah.
We need a Ramadhaan because we don't fast, and if we fast physically without food or drink, we don't fast with our eyes by lowering them and our tongue by not slandering and our tongue by not lying and back-biting.
We need a Ramadhaan to get ourselves back in order, to work for the Hereafter, to connect ourselves to Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.
We need a Ramadhaan because relationships brother to brother and sister to sister is in a miserable condition.
We need a Ramadhaan because we have bad thoughts about one another.
We need a Ramadhaan because of dhulm, injustice to one another.
We need a Ramadhaan because there is backbiting, there is envy, there is jealousy, and there is slander.
We need a Ramadhaan because we are despicable, because we are sick, because we are ill. (All these are diseases of the heart).
We need a Ramadhaan because we don't believe in the promise of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala, or if we do, we do not implement it.
We need a Ramadhaan because it is time for us to change and become something better than we are now.
We need a Ramadhaan because that is the only thing that is going to get us together.
We need a Ramadhaan because we don't have unity, there's no brotherhood.
We need a Ramadhaan because there's no respect for elders.
We need a Ramadhaan because there's no real love between us.
We need a Ramadhaan, full of love and the Mercy of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.
A Ramadhaan like we come in, like in a clinic or a hospital, trying to solve our illnesses, trying to come out of there without the disease we came with, trying to be better than we went in with.
We need a Ramadhaan.
Look around you, look to your right, look to your left, look in front of you and look behind you and you'll say, "We need a Ramadhaan".
The sisters aren't covering properly, we need a Ramadhaan.
Brothers and sisters are mixing. We need a Ramadhaan.
Talking on phones and on the internet, we need a Ramadhaan.
This is a mess, we are in a fix, we are in a bind, and this is a problem. We need a Ramadhaan.
We need a Ramadhaan to get ourselves together.
We need a Ramadhaan, that we come in the Masjid and we face the Qiblah and we say "Allaahu Akbar" and we standing qiyaamah a long time until those diseases, that filth, that sickness, that hardness the heart goes away.
We need a Ramadhaan that reminds us of the Hell-fire.
We need a Ramadhaan that tells us that we haven't been given a certificate that we are people of Jannah.
We need a Ramadhaan that lets us known that we are servants of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala. And if we were to spend our whole life, from the time we were born until Yawm al Qiyaamah in Sajdaah, it would not be enough to thank Allaah for His Mercy, His Grace and His Blessings.
We need a Ramadhaan and it is clear.
If there is any fear of Allaah left in the hearts of ours and if there is any hope of Jannaah left in us, and if there is any desire to change and to be better and to be righteous and to come to the level of Ihsaan, to come to the level of a Mu'min, to have taqwa, to fear Allaah. We need a Ramadhaan.
We need a Ramadhaan, a month of Tawbaah.
We need a Ramadhaan, a month of Maghfira.
We need a Ramadhaan to correct our behaviour, to correct the differences & the difficulties and the envy/jealousies in our relationship between one another.
We need a Ramadhaan to understand that we have been committing injustice to one another.
And as the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said : 'Az-Zulm (injustice)' "Zulumaat yawmal Qiyaamah" “we'll be changed physically into darkness on the Day of Judgement.'
We need a Ramadhaan to understand the Hadith: to fear the duaa of the one to whom we have done injustice. For there is not between Allaah and the person making the invocation, the person making that supplication of the person to whom injustice has been done, there is no veil between that person and Allaah. That duaa is immediately accepted. The oppressor is the one for whom things are not going right; He is tripping into this and falling into that; He is Slipping there and sliding here.
Why I can't get ahead? Why I can't progress in my Deen? Why I can't memorize this ayah? Why I can't understand this hadeeth? We may be living under the invocation, the answer for invocation for someone whom we abused or stepped over. You know you need a Ramadhaan.
I know I need a Ramadhaan. We know we need a Ramadhaan.
We need to get ourselves together. We've been running around in filth, we have been having our hearts around the low matters;
We need our hearts to be around the thrones of Allaah;
We need to think about the high matters, high goals;
We need to think about Jannah; We need a hope for al-Jannah.
You're planning for marriage, you're planning for education, you're planning for a job, but we need to plan for the Jannah. We need to prepare for the Jannah during the month of Ramadhaan.
"Nahnu be haajathin Ma'aasa fir Ramadhaan". We are in severe need for Ramadhaan, so that we come into Ramadhaan with repentance, we come into it with regret, we come into it realizing that we are weak, that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to correct us, realizing that we are wrong and that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to place upon us that which is right, realizing that we are weak and that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to grant us strength. We need a Ramadhaan. Oh Yes !! We need a Ramadhaan.
We need nights of Qiyaam, we need dua and sujood, we need nights of Ramadhaan to do thilawaah of Quran. We need to listen to Husri, or Sudays or Shurain, or Hudhaifi. We need a Ramadhaan to listen to the Quran. When was the last time that we listened to the Quran?? When was the last time we recited Quran? We need a Ramadhaan to study Quran, to implement the Quran, and this Ramadhaan may be our final Ramadhaan.
As one brother spoke, I believe it is Abu Thasleem Hafidahullaah, where is the guarantee that this is not our final Ramadhaan? What is the guarantee that it is not our final Ramadhaan? We have to come into it seriously. And we want to come out of it much better than we came into it. We want to come out of Ramadhaan with Taqwa, because that was the main reason that it was legislated.
"O you who believe fasting has been written upon you as it was written for those before you, so that you may gain Taqwa".
Taqwa is fear of Allaah. If we had taqwa, our condition will be better than it is now. If we had taqwa our relationships would be smoother, if we had taqwa, father to son who is a Muslim, sister to brother who is Muslim, uncle, aunt, niece and nephew who is Muslim, husband and wife who are Muslims..the relationships would be better if they are based upon Taqwa. And we can achieve Taqwa during the month of Ramadhaan.
I don't believe that our hearts are that hard, I don't believe that we can't change, I don't believe that some of us who hold hatred for the last 10 years cannot learn to love, and because we have been taught deceit and deception now we can't learn to trust.
I don't believe that those brothers who have left circumstances physically but have the teachings and the behaviours that they had while they were up there, that they can't change. The sisters who remove their bodies from the fitnah and physically remove their bodies from a mistake, physically remove their bodies from foolishness but their hearts have to follow. Be iznillaahitha'aalah! Their hearts have to follow.
We need a Ramadhaan to inculcate these qualities.
We need to control our desires.
We need to control our tongue.
We need to control our limbs.
We need to learn self-discipline.
We need to control our anger.
We must do things in Ramadhaan not out of habit, something that is just tradition., that we are more despicable when we went in. We have to change our condition. We have to change our connection with Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala. For how light is the view of Allaah when they disobey Him. This is what was said by one of the sahabas when he had the crown of the Persian King in his hand.
We need a Ramadhaan so that we can focus on the Aakhirah -- Hereafter and we give Naseehah and advice to one another that is of benefit and that our talking and our mixing is just not about the Dunya, and what you want to do in the Dunya and how you are gonna be in this Dunya.
We need a Ramadhaan so that people learn to inculcate in their children to be like Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, Umar al-Khattab, Sa'ad abi Ibn Waqqas and like this.
We need a Ramadhaan so that they can study knowledge. This Ummah needs another Bin Baaz, this Ummah needs another Al-Albani, this Ummah needs another Muqbil, this Ummah needs another Ibn Taimiyyah, this Ummah needs all of these and more.
You are gonna tell me that none of them can come or no one like them can from our families? None of them can come from us? Not everyone who comes from us have to be Goofi. Can't our children speak the Arabic language at a young age? Can't we put in the hands of our children books that will benefit the Ummah..the same love the Kaafir have for Harry Potter and their imaginary books?
Our hope is low. Our desire is low. We are supposed to be having high goals. We should be looking at our kids Abdullaah and Abdurrahman and saying : You might be Sheikh Naasir for this Ummah. We should be saying when listening to Sudaisi and Shuraim that it could be you leading the salaah in haram. We are supposed to be having high goals. But until we brush off the dust, the foolishness of the jaahiliyyah, the hastiness of the youth, the bad characteristics that we have, we have to get rid of them, we have to change our condition, we need a Ramadhaan.
We need our Qiyaam at night, we need recitation of Quran, we need to sit together and talk together only about the deen, not about the Dunya, we need to worry about our status in the Aakhirah, in the Hereafter.
We need to wake up from our sleep. Wake up Oh Sleepy one. !! Our slumber has been too long. You got to wake up, take wudoo, get within the caravan of Mohamed Ibn Abdullah, Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, Umar al-Khattab, Ibn Taimiyyah..you have to get with it.
How long are we going to stay sick? How long are we going to be unsettled? How long are we going to have our problems? We need a Ramadhaan. And let this Ramadhaan be the one where you come out of it better, come out of it committed, come out of it devoted, you come out of it with your head held high. You are from the Ummah of the Prophet (sallallahualayhi wa sallam) and don't you forget it!!
Walhamdulillaahi rabbil aalameen.

~* Lectured by: Abu Uwais Abdullaah Ali (Rahimahullaah)
~* Translated by: Umm Hasna Firdous Bint Jabir
Ramadhaan is a month of Forgiveness.
Ramadhaan is a month of Rahmah.
Ramadhaan is the month of generosity.
Ramadhaan, the month that Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'ala accepts the Tawbah of the servants, and the month that Allaah blesses His servants.
We are in need of Ramadhaan to correct ourselves, for we have forgotten Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala for the majority of the year.
To correct ourselves for we have been neglectful.
To correct ourselves for we are not upon the remembrance of Allaah.
To correct ourselves because our hearts have gotten hard, some hearts are dead, some hearts are sick, some hearts are stone-cold, some hearts are black, getting no benefit whatsoever. Some hearts are so bad, and so ill that they see a good as a Munkar, (as an evil), and they see an evil as a good. These are not as they should be. We need a Ramadhaan.
We need a Ramadhaan because our connection with Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala is not correct.
We need a Ramadhaan because we do not have any Khushoo or devotion in our Salaah.
We need a Ramadhaan because our Quran has dust and is sitting on a shelf.
We need a Ramadhaan because we never read the books of Sunnah.
We need a Ramadhaan because we don't fast, and if we fast physically without food or drink, we don't fast with our eyes by lowering them and our tongue by not slandering and our tongue by not lying and back-biting.
We need a Ramadhaan to get ourselves back in order, to work for the Hereafter, to connect ourselves to Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.
We need a Ramadhaan because relationships brother to brother and sister to sister is in a miserable condition.
We need a Ramadhaan because we have bad thoughts about one another.
We need a Ramadhaan because of dhulm, injustice to one another.
We need a Ramadhaan because there is backbiting, there is envy, there is jealousy, and there is slander.
We need a Ramadhaan because we are despicable, because we are sick, because we are ill. (All these are diseases of the heart).
We need a Ramadhaan because we don't believe in the promise of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala, or if we do, we do not implement it.
We need a Ramadhaan because it is time for us to change and become something better than we are now.
We need a Ramadhaan because that is the only thing that is going to get us together.
We need a Ramadhaan because we don't have unity, there's no brotherhood.
We need a Ramadhaan because there's no respect for elders.
We need a Ramadhaan because there's no real love between us.
We need a Ramadhaan, full of love and the Mercy of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.
A Ramadhaan like we come in, like in a clinic or a hospital, trying to solve our illnesses, trying to come out of there without the disease we came with, trying to be better than we went in with.
We need a Ramadhaan.
Look around you, look to your right, look to your left, look in front of you and look behind you and you'll say, "We need a Ramadhaan".
The sisters aren't covering properly, we need a Ramadhaan.
Brothers and sisters are mixing. We need a Ramadhaan.
Talking on phones and on the internet, we need a Ramadhaan.
This is a mess, we are in a fix, we are in a bind, and this is a problem. We need a Ramadhaan.
We need a Ramadhaan to get ourselves together.
We need a Ramadhaan, that we come in the Masjid and we face the Qiblah and we say "Allaahu Akbar" and we standing qiyaamah a long time until those diseases, that filth, that sickness, that hardness the heart goes away.
We need a Ramadhaan that reminds us of the Hell-fire.
We need a Ramadhaan that tells us that we haven't been given a certificate that we are people of Jannah.
We need a Ramadhaan that lets us known that we are servants of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala. And if we were to spend our whole life, from the time we were born until Yawm al Qiyaamah in Sajdaah, it would not be enough to thank Allaah for His Mercy, His Grace and His Blessings.
We need a Ramadhaan and it is clear.
If there is any fear of Allaah left in the hearts of ours and if there is any hope of Jannaah left in us, and if there is any desire to change and to be better and to be righteous and to come to the level of Ihsaan, to come to the level of a Mu'min, to have taqwa, to fear Allaah. We need a Ramadhaan.
We need a Ramadhaan, a month of Tawbaah.
We need a Ramadhaan, a month of Maghfira.
We need a Ramadhaan to correct our behaviour, to correct the differences & the difficulties and the envy/jealousies in our relationship between one another.
We need a Ramadhaan to understand that we have been committing injustice to one another.
And as the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said : 'Az-Zulm (injustice)' "Zulumaat yawmal Qiyaamah" “we'll be changed physically into darkness on the Day of Judgement.'
We need a Ramadhaan to understand the Hadith: to fear the duaa of the one to whom we have done injustice. For there is not between Allaah and the person making the invocation, the person making that supplication of the person to whom injustice has been done, there is no veil between that person and Allaah. That duaa is immediately accepted. The oppressor is the one for whom things are not going right; He is tripping into this and falling into that; He is Slipping there and sliding here.
Why I can't get ahead? Why I can't progress in my Deen? Why I can't memorize this ayah? Why I can't understand this hadeeth? We may be living under the invocation, the answer for invocation for someone whom we abused or stepped over. You know you need a Ramadhaan.
I know I need a Ramadhaan. We know we need a Ramadhaan.
We need to get ourselves together. We've been running around in filth, we have been having our hearts around the low matters;
We need our hearts to be around the thrones of Allaah;
We need to think about the high matters, high goals;
We need to think about Jannah; We need a hope for al-Jannah.
You're planning for marriage, you're planning for education, you're planning for a job, but we need to plan for the Jannah. We need to prepare for the Jannah during the month of Ramadhaan.
"Nahnu be haajathin Ma'aasa fir Ramadhaan". We are in severe need for Ramadhaan, so that we come into Ramadhaan with repentance, we come into it with regret, we come into it realizing that we are weak, that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to correct us, realizing that we are wrong and that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to place upon us that which is right, realizing that we are weak and that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to grant us strength. We need a Ramadhaan. Oh Yes !! We need a Ramadhaan.
We need nights of Qiyaam, we need dua and sujood, we need nights of Ramadhaan to do thilawaah of Quran. We need to listen to Husri, or Sudays or Shurain, or Hudhaifi. We need a Ramadhaan to listen to the Quran. When was the last time that we listened to the Quran?? When was the last time we recited Quran? We need a Ramadhaan to study Quran, to implement the Quran, and this Ramadhaan may be our final Ramadhaan.
As one brother spoke, I believe it is Abu Thasleem Hafidahullaah, where is the guarantee that this is not our final Ramadhaan? What is the guarantee that it is not our final Ramadhaan? We have to come into it seriously. And we want to come out of it much better than we came into it. We want to come out of Ramadhaan with Taqwa, because that was the main reason that it was legislated.
"O you who believe fasting has been written upon you as it was written for those before you, so that you may gain Taqwa".
Taqwa is fear of Allaah. If we had taqwa, our condition will be better than it is now. If we had taqwa our relationships would be smoother, if we had taqwa, father to son who is a Muslim, sister to brother who is Muslim, uncle, aunt, niece and nephew who is Muslim, husband and wife who are Muslims..the relationships would be better if they are based upon Taqwa. And we can achieve Taqwa during the month of Ramadhaan.
I don't believe that our hearts are that hard, I don't believe that we can't change, I don't believe that some of us who hold hatred for the last 10 years cannot learn to love, and because we have been taught deceit and deception now we can't learn to trust.
I don't believe that those brothers who have left circumstances physically but have the teachings and the behaviours that they had while they were up there, that they can't change. The sisters who remove their bodies from the fitnah and physically remove their bodies from a mistake, physically remove their bodies from foolishness but their hearts have to follow. Be iznillaahitha'aalah! Their hearts have to follow.
We need a Ramadhaan to inculcate these qualities.
We need to control our desires.
We need to control our tongue.
We need to control our limbs.
We need to learn self-discipline.
We need to control our anger.
We must do things in Ramadhaan not out of habit, something that is just tradition., that we are more despicable when we went in. We have to change our condition. We have to change our connection with Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala. For how light is the view of Allaah when they disobey Him. This is what was said by one of the sahabas when he had the crown of the Persian King in his hand.
We need a Ramadhaan so that we can focus on the Aakhirah -- Hereafter and we give Naseehah and advice to one another that is of benefit and that our talking and our mixing is just not about the Dunya, and what you want to do in the Dunya and how you are gonna be in this Dunya.
We need a Ramadhaan so that people learn to inculcate in their children to be like Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, Umar al-Khattab, Sa'ad abi Ibn Waqqas and like this.
We need a Ramadhaan so that they can study knowledge. This Ummah needs another Bin Baaz, this Ummah needs another Al-Albani, this Ummah needs another Muqbil, this Ummah needs another Ibn Taimiyyah, this Ummah needs all of these and more.
You are gonna tell me that none of them can come or no one like them can from our families? None of them can come from us? Not everyone who comes from us have to be Goofi. Can't our children speak the Arabic language at a young age? Can't we put in the hands of our children books that will benefit the Ummah..the same love the Kaafir have for Harry Potter and their imaginary books?
Our hope is low. Our desire is low. We are supposed to be having high goals. We should be looking at our kids Abdullaah and Abdurrahman and saying : You might be Sheikh Naasir for this Ummah. We should be saying when listening to Sudaisi and Shuraim that it could be you leading the salaah in haram. We are supposed to be having high goals. But until we brush off the dust, the foolishness of the jaahiliyyah, the hastiness of the youth, the bad characteristics that we have, we have to get rid of them, we have to change our condition, we need a Ramadhaan.
We need our Qiyaam at night, we need recitation of Quran, we need to sit together and talk together only about the deen, not about the Dunya, we need to worry about our status in the Aakhirah, in the Hereafter.
We need to wake up from our sleep. Wake up Oh Sleepy one. !! Our slumber has been too long. You got to wake up, take wudoo, get within the caravan of Mohamed Ibn Abdullah, Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, Umar al-Khattab, Ibn Taimiyyah..you have to get with it.
How long are we going to stay sick? How long are we going to be unsettled? How long are we going to have our problems? We need a Ramadhaan. And let this Ramadhaan be the one where you come out of it better, come out of it committed, come out of it devoted, you come out of it with your head held high. You are from the Ummah of the Prophet (sallallahualayhi wa sallam) and don't you forget it!!
Walhamdulillaahi rabbil aalameen.

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