Forget about all of those times when you felt you deserved an apology but one was not forthcoming. This is not about everyone else, it is about you. It is about you making an intentional decision, a deliberate choice to internalize forgiveness as a way of life.
What is forgiveness?
All of us, at one point or another in our lives, have had an experience that frustrated us, made us upset, resentful, or angry. The sources of difficulty might have been, among so many possibilities, the words or actions of a family member or friend, or the words or actions of a stranger. Based on the intensity of the pain or harm we perceive from such difficult moments or incidents, we sometimes find that it is not possible for us to move on, to overlook, or to look past the pain or hurt. Even worse, we sometimes find it impossible to resume normal interactions with the individual or individuals who have caused us the pain.
Forgiveness is the subsiding and ultimate elimination of feelings of anger, frustration, and resentment toward the individual or individuals who have caused us the pain, followed by a resumption of normal interactions with the individual or individuals concerned. Ultimately, forgiving a person wipes away the active memory of whatever pain or hurt that caused the rift to begin with.
This notion of wiping away, of starting anew, is rooted in Islamic teachings. One of the attributes of Allah Almighty is that He is Al-Ghaffar (the Forgiving). There are frequent occurrences in the Qur'an of the juxtaposition of the notion of Allah the Almighty forgiving us and of covering or wiping our sins away. Among the numerous examples in the Qur'an, a part of one verse in particular stands out: "... Truly Allah is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving." (4:43).
And in this same Surah, Allah Almighty reminds us again of people who strive to do good and struggle in the path of Allah: "For these, there is hope that Allah will forgive : "These are they whom Allah is likely to forgive, and Allah is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving." (4:99). The reference to forgiving our sins reminds us of a renewal of sorts, so that the slate of our actions is wiped clean. Similarly, when forgiving a person or persons, we strive to reach a level of self-restraint so that our actions with those who hurt us are no longer guided by anger or resentment, but rather by a desire to re-establish the bonds which exist between family and friends.
Obstacles to being a forgiving person
What is it about forgiving others that is so difficult? If you think about it, you can identify family members and friends you know who have found it almost impossible to be forgiving. We all might have family members who allowed an argument, over something trivial, to escalate to the point of no return. Rather than restraining anger, restraining the tongue, and restraining the hands and legs, we sometimes become vulnerable and lose control of ourselves. As a result, an uncle might not be talking to your father, or a mother might be shunning her own daughter or son. The desire not to forgive is not something unnatural.
What is unnatural, with sometimes dire consequences to one's mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health, is the savoring of, the sulking in, and as gory as it sounds, the enjoyment of, the feelings of resentment and anger towards a person. As you can tell by now, you and I are responsible for how we manage our feelings, especially when it comes to being forgiving of one another. As much as we would like to blame our inability to forgive other people, claiming that we do not forgive because the other person or persons are so bad, so unworthy of forgiveness, the reality is that not forgiving others is more a reflection about who we are, and about ourselves more than it is about other people.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has taught us clearly that exercising self-restraint, especially in situations where we would be justified fully to exact retribution, is an ideal to which every believer should aspire. We learn from the Prophet (peace be upon him), as narrated to us by Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him), that "the strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 73, Hadith 135).
Are you ready to incorporate forgiveness as a way of life? Who will be the first person you e-mail or call to tell them that he or she is forgiven? Who will you walk up to and say, "Listen, I'm sorry for holding a grudge against you for so long." Imagine how relieved you will feel knowing that you are no longer carrying around with you the burden of anger and frustration! Knowing that you have released all of that negative energy from your body will be refreshing and make it easier for you to be forgiving of others and to be forgivable by others. Indeed Allah is the Forgiving and our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mastered forgiveness as a way of life. Are you up to the challenge?
p/s : InshaAllah i'm up for that challenge..=)

Another disease of the heart..
"This is not about everyone else, it is about you."
" and I are responsible for how we manage our feelings, especially when it comes to being forgiving of one another."
Wpn timbulnya masalah memberi kemaafan antara sesama kita (manusia), tapi ia tetap merupakan masalah diri kita sendiri (yang sukar memberi kemaafan kepada orang lain).
Adakah akhirnya kita akan bertemu Tuhan kita dalam keadaan hati kita yg belum memberi kemaafan kpd org lain? Akhirnya yg tinggal adalah kita (alone) dan Tuhan.. Bagaimana nanti yer? (uhukk..)
Bila kita menghadapi masalah untuk memaafkan org..cuba kita renungkan, kita ni hanyalah manusia yg sgt kerdil jika dibandingkan dgn Allah yg Maha Besar. Tapi Allah dengan sifat-Nya yang Maha Pemaaf dapat mengampuni kesalahan dan dosa hamba-hamba-Nya walaupun sebesar mana pun kesalahan itu, selagi hamba itu bertaubat dgn sebenar2 taubat. Jadi, kita yg xde apa2 kuasa ini, terasa hina kalau kita tak mampu untuk memberi kata maaf kepada seseorang yg sama taraf dgn kita..yg bergelar hamba kepada-Nya juga.
Memang bila luka itu teramat dalam, sangat susah untuk kita lupakan macam tu je dan bukan senang utk kita dengan senang hati memaafkan kesalahan org yg melukakan hati kita. Tapi, ingatlah yang semuanya datang daripada Allah. Kita sentiasa diingatkan tentang hal ini terutama sekali dalam bab rezeki. Contohnya, kita mendapat bantuan biasiswa, tapi yg sebenarnye yg memberi rezeki kepada kita adalah Allah melalui perantaraan pihak2 penaja. Sama jugak bila kita ditimpa musibah di mana hati kita disakiti dan dilukai..Allah sebenarnya tgh menguji kita dan Dia datangkan ujian itu melalui perantaraan org yg bertanggungjawab memberi kesakitan itu. Cuba kita terima dia sebagaimana kita terima pihak penaja sbg org yg menyampaikan rahmat Allah pada kita. Terima dia sebagai utusan daripada Allah dalam menguji bagaimana kita bertindakbalas dan bersabar dgn ujian itu.
Lagipun, buat apa kita simpan perasaan tidak mahu memaafkan itu dalam yg kita xnak maafkan tu pun mungkin tidak sedar ttg kesalahan dia dan dia mungkin tak meminta maaf pun drpd kita..Jadi, kat sini..kita telah membazir masa dan hati kita untuk memikirkan sama ada nak memaafkan dia ataupun tidak. Dan menyimpan perasaan negatif ini sebenarnya hanya menyeksa hati kita sendiri dan mengganggu ketenangan hati yg fitrah.
Satu lagi yg perlu kita ingat, kita semua hanyalah manusia biasa..takkan lepas dari membuat kesalahan. Terimalah ujian kesakitan itu sebagai kelemahan dirinya yang tak mampu menghargai nilai sebuah persahabatan. Dalam kita tidak sedar, kita juga mungkin telah melakukan kesalahan kpd org lain..dan dia juga mungkin tgh mengharapkan kita meminta maaf padanya, dan apakah perasaan kita kalau dia x nak memaafkan kesalahan kita?
Dalam masalah sukar utk memaafkan ni, ingatlah selalu kebaikan yg dia pernah beri buat kita, lebih banyak drpd kita mengingati kesalahan yg telah dia bagi..Dan jika kita betul2 sayangkan kawan kita, kita takkan sampai hati untuk membiarkan dia mencari-cari kita kat akhirat nanti untuk mendapatkan kemaafan drpd kita. InshaAllah..kita sama2 mempermudahkan urusan antara satu sama lain..semoga akhirnya Allah akan mempermudahkan urusan kita semua. Dan sentiasalah kita berdoa supaya Allah membukakan hati dia untuk menyedari kesalahan yg telah dia perbuat..dan berdoa supaya hati kita akan lembut untuk memaafkan dia..dan berdoa juga supaya hati orang lain pun lembut untuk memaafkan kesalahan yg kita lakukan, dalam sedar mahupun tidak.
“Jadilah seperti pohon kurma, dilempar orang dgn batu..dibalas dgn buah..” =)
~may Allah forgive my dirty heart~
Antara salah satu cara utk memaafkan seseorang ialah mendoakan kebaikan untuknya
jzkk anonymous..inshaAllah semoga Dia melembutkan hati kita semua untuk sentiasa berdoa bagi kebaikan bersama..=)
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