Islam is peace, Islam is ease.
Islam's not danger or disease.
Islam is love and prosperity.
Islam's not hatred or adversity.
Islam is salvation through repentence.
Islam has love for all in abundance.
Islam means no harm or affliction.
Islam implores you with affection.
Islam is neither maze nor craze.
Islam is giving Allah all praise.
Islam is acing through the race.
Islam will be on everyone's face.
Islam is worshipping only the Creator.
Islam's not mere numbers on a calculator.
Islam gives you power when you surrender.
Islam's not a terrorist or for a pretender.
Islam is patience and perseverance.
Islam eases your vengeance through tolerance.
Islam is life for all eternity.
Islam gives you respect, moreover dignity.
Islam is winning hearts through honesty.
Islam is giving openly in charity.
Islam makes you wholesome and trustworthy.
Islam is in wealth as well as in poverty.
Islam is your shield against all evil.
Islam is for your soul's retrieval.
Islam not fundamentalism or fanaticism.
Islam's not nationalism or racism.
Wake up, people, Islam is here.
Islam is here, so have no fear.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Buat Ana sekali lg, Selamat Hari Lahir!
Semoga sentiasa dlm rahmat, perlindungan dan kasih sayang Ilahi..semoga mendapat kebahagiaan dan kejayaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat..ameen.
p/s : banyak sangat nk cakap tp buat masa ni, cukup la dipendekkan dgn "Time kasih banyak3 pd semua"..(nk tido dulu), inshaAllah panjang umur dan diberi ilham oleh-Nya nnt akan diupdate lg..=)
Semoga sentiasa dlm rahmat, perlindungan dan kasih sayang Ilahi..semoga mendapat kebahagiaan dan kejayaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat..ameen.
p/s : banyak sangat nk cakap tp buat masa ni, cukup la dipendekkan dgn "Time kasih banyak3 pd semua"..(nk tido dulu), inshaAllah panjang umur dan diberi ilham oleh-Nya nnt akan diupdate lg..=)
Friday, July 20, 2007
Islam & Me
Islam is in me,
What else could I be?
This feeling so strong, in my heart..
Turning from Islam,
I would fall apart.
Islam has made me what I am today,
I feel I am a Muslim in every kind of way.
Where would I be without this way of life?
I would be lost without any form of faith.
For Allah's guidance I do pray,
And ask for his forgiveness every single day,
Question my self if you may,
A muslim forever I will stay.
Oh God Most Gracious, Most Merciful,
I love You, for life is so beautiful.
By Huda Serhan
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Love yourself before you love others..
"Sampaikan dariku walaupun satu ayat" - (Bukhari dan Tarmizi). Assalamualaikum WarahmatuLlahi Wabarakatuh. Segala pujian bagi Allah S.W.T., selawat dan salam ke atas Junjungan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W., keluarganya, para sahabat serta tabiin sekalian. BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM. Meninggalkan maksiat adalah lebih berat daripada mengerjakan taat (yang diperintah oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya), kerana mengerjakan taat senang dibuat oleh setiap orang tetapi meninggalkan syahwat (maksiat) hanya dapat dilaksanakan oleh para siddiqin (orang-orang yang benar). Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda : "Orang yang berhijrah dengan sebenarnya ialah orang yang berhijrah dari kejahatan. Dan mujahid yang sebenarnya ialah orang yang memerangi hawa nafsunya." Apabila seseorang melakukan sesuatu maksiat, maka sebenarnya ia melakukan maksiat itu dengan menggunakan anggota badannya, bermakna ianya telah menyalahgunakan nikmat anggota yang dianugerahkan dan mengkhianati terhadap amanah yang telah diberikan kepadanya. Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda : "Maka kamu semua adalah pemimpin dan kamu semua akan ditanyai akan kepimpinannya". Riwayat Bukhairi dan Muslim dari Ibnu Umar R.A. Semua anggota akan menjadi saksi di atas segala perbuatan di Padang Mahsyar. Firman Allah S.W.T : "Di hari itu (Kiamat) akan bersaksilah ke atas kamu oleh segala lidahmu, tanganmu dan kakimu dengan segala sesuatu yang telah kamu perbuat (di Dunia dahulu)." - Surah An Nur : Ayat 24. "Pada hari ini (Kiamat) Kami akan kunci mulut-mulut mereka dan akan bercakap kepada Kami tangan-tangan mereka dan bersaksi di hadapan Kami kaki-kaki mereka terhadap apa-apa yang mereka telah lakukan (di Dunia dahulu)." Surah Yassin : ayat 65. 1) Menjaga Mata Peliharalah mata daripada perkara-perkara seperti melihat perempuan yang bukan mahram, melihat gambar-gambar lucah, melihat orang lain dengan pandangan penghinaan dan melihat keaiban orang lain. 2) Menjaga Telinga Menjaga telinga daripada mendengar perkara bida'ah, perkataan-perkataan yang jahat, perkataan yang sia-sia atau menyebut keaiban / kejahatan orang lain. Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda : "Sesungguhnya orang yang mendengar (seseorang yang mengumpat orang lain) adalah bersekutu (di dalam dosa) dengan orang yang berkata itu. Dan dia juga dikira salah seorang daripada dua orang yang mengumpat." 3) Menjaga lidah Lidah adalah anggota yang paling berkesan ke atas diri sendiri dan juga terhadap orang lain. Berapa ramai nanti manusia yang akan dihumban ke dalam api neraka dengan sebab jenayah lidah mereka. Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda : "Sesungguhnya seseorang itu terkadang bercakap dengan satu percakapan dengan tujuan supaya orang lain menjadi tertawa dari sebab percakapannya itu. Dia tidak menyangka bahawa perkataannya itu akan menyebabkan dirinya dihumbankan kedalam api neraka selama tujuh puluh tahun." - Riwayat At Tirmizi daripada Abu Hurairah R.A. Jagalah lidahmu dari perkara-perkara seperti bercakap bohong, mungkir janji, mengumpat, bertengkar / berdebat / membantah perkataan orang lain, memuji diri sendiri, melaknat makhluk Allah, mendoakan celaka bagi orang lain dan bergurau / memperolok atau mengejek orang lain. 4) Menjaga perut Memelihara perut daripada memakan makanan yang haram atau yang syubahat ATAU berlebihan dalam memakan yang halal. 5) Menjaga Kemaluan Menjaga kemaluan daripada apa-apa yang diharamkan oleh Allah S.W.T. Firman Allah S.W.T. :"Dan mereka yang selalu menjaga kemaluan mereka, kecuali terhadap isteri-isteri mereka atau apa-apa yang mereka miliki (daripada hamba jariah) maka mereka tidak tercela." Surah Al Mukminun : Ayat 5-6. 6) Menjaga Dua Tangan Menjaga kedua tangan daripada memukul seseorang muslim dan daripada mencapai sesuatu yang diharamkan atau menyakiti sebarang makhluk Allah atau menulis sesuatu yang diharamkan atau menyakiti perasaan orang lain. 7) Menjaga Dua Kaki Memelihara kedua kaki dari berjalan ke tempat yang diharamkan atau berjalan menuju kepada pemerintah yang zalim tanpa ada darurat atau paksaan kerana dianggap menghormati di atas kezaliman mereka, sedangkan Allah menyuruh kita berpaling daripada orang yang zalim. Firman Allah S.W.T. : "Dan jangan kamu cenderung hati kepada orang yang zalim, nanti kamu akan disentuh oleh api neraka." - Surah Hud : ayat 113. Kesimpulannya : Apabila kamu menggunakan anggota tubuh kamu bagi tujuan yang lain daripada yang dimaksudkan oleh Allah S.W.T. bermakna kamu tidak bersyukur (kufur)terhadap nikmat yang diberikan -Nya kepada kamu. Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. : "Orang yang cerdik ialah orang yang selalu memperhitungkan dirinya dan ia suka beramal untuk bekalan sesudah mati, sedangkan orang yang Ahmaq (bodoh) ialah orang yang selalu mengikut hawa nafsunya dan hanya banyak berangan-angan kepada Allah S.W.T. (berangan untuk mendapatkan kebaikan di akhirat dan pengampunan tetapi ia tidak mahu beramal atau bertaubat). - Riwayat At Tirmizi. Petikan dari Bidayatul Hidayah (Imam Al Ghazali) - Jazakumullahu khairan. Mudah-mudahan ianya dapat dijadikan panduan dalam mendapatkan keredhaan Allah S.W.T. WabiLlahi Taufik Wal Hidayah, Wassalamualaikum WarahmatuLlahi Wabarakatuh.. - - "Aku tinggalkan di kalangan kamu dua perkara yang kamu tidak sekali-kali akan sesat selagi kamu berpegang teguh kepada keduanya, iaitu kitab Allah dan Sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W." - (Imam Malik).
Don't make anything that is part of you as your enemy during the Day of Judgement. In other words, don't make them speak against you..
Monday, July 16, 2007
10 Causes that Remove Punishment for a Sin
Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:
The punishment for a sin committed by a believer is removed in ten ways:
1.. He repents to Allah (taubah), so Allah accepts his repentance, for the one who repents from sin is like the one who has no sin.
2.. He seeks forgiveness from Allah (istighfar), so Allah forgives him.
3.. He does good deeds that erase his sin for good deeds erase bad ones.
4.. His believing brethren pray for him or seek forgiveness for his sins during his life or death.
5.. Or they [ask Allah] to bestow on him as gift from the reward for their deeds, with which Allah benefits him.
6.. His Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, intercedes for him.
7.. Allah tests him with trials in this world which expiate his sin.
8.. Allah tests him in al-Barzakh (the intermediate life in the grave, between the death and the Day of Judgment) which expiates his sin.
9.. Allah tests him in the various stages of the Day of Judgment which expiates his sins.
10.. Or the Most Merciful of those who have mercy has mercy on him. Whoever, then, is missed by these ten cannot blame anyone but himself.
The punishment for a sin committed by a believer is removed in ten ways:
1.. He repents to Allah (taubah), so Allah accepts his repentance, for the one who repents from sin is like the one who has no sin.
2.. He seeks forgiveness from Allah (istighfar), so Allah forgives him.
3.. He does good deeds that erase his sin for good deeds erase bad ones.
4.. His believing brethren pray for him or seek forgiveness for his sins during his life or death.
5.. Or they [ask Allah] to bestow on him as gift from the reward for their deeds, with which Allah benefits him.
6.. His Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, intercedes for him.
7.. Allah tests him with trials in this world which expiate his sin.
8.. Allah tests him in al-Barzakh (the intermediate life in the grave, between the death and the Day of Judgment) which expiates his sin.
9.. Allah tests him in the various stages of the Day of Judgment which expiates his sins.
10.. Or the Most Merciful of those who have mercy has mercy on him. Whoever, then, is missed by these ten cannot blame anyone but himself.
Good intention without right action is a great loss (nhys,2007).
Saturday, July 14, 2007
How sincere are we?
One of the biggest fears of the Companions and their followers was whether their deeds would be accepted by Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala. Through the teachings of the prophet sallallahu alayhe wassalam they came to know that a deed was considered good if first, they had sincerity (Ikhlas), and second, if the deed was done in accordance to the Sunnah. Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala says, "Whoever hopes for meeting with his Lord, let him do good deeds and associate no partners in the worship of his Lord." [18:110]
To do something with sincerity is to scrutinize the deed and intention and free it from all impurities like showing off, pride, or seeking some other benefit in this life. We know that the Satan tries his best to lead people to the Hellfire, and in regards to deeds, sincerity is the easiest for him to attack. We usually know which deeds are considered Sunnah and which are not, so it is easier for the Satan to lead us astray by faltering in our sincerity. Indeed, our struggle to purify for the sake of Allah never ends.
Sufyan al-Thawri said, "I have not tried to cure from myself anything harder than my intention, for it keeps changing on me." This is because of the innate desire in all humans to seek praise from people. The Satan fuels this desire until he lands the person into Hellfire. When you think about that, you can easily see why Allah chose to forgive the prostitute mentioned in the famous hadith - who was drinking from a well in the hot desert and gave drink to a thirsty dog. Because her deed was absolutely sincere to Allah. No one was watching her, she puts her dirty shoe in her mouth, goes back into the well, fills it up, climbs to the top and gives it to the dog. Neither the dog nor any body else was going to reward her for that trouble, but Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala is there and He rewards those who do good with sincerity.
Ibrahim at-Taymi said, "The sincerely devoted one is he who conceals his good deeds like he conceals his bad ones." The righteous Muslims used to go to extremes in hiding their good deeds. Some examples of the fruits of their sincerity can help illustrate the point : Dawood bin Hind fasted for forty years and even his family did not know it. He would take his lunch from them, but would give it as charity on the way. He would then return in the night and eat with his family.
The wife of Hassan bin abi-Sinaan said, "Hassan would come, and like tricking a child to sleep, enter with me into the bed until he knows that I had slept, he would sneak out and stand in prayer."
Yes, that is how sincere they were. They would hide their deeds from everybody, even their own families."Some among the poor of Madinah lived for many years not knowing who continuously delivered their livelihood to their places, and when Ali ibn al-Hussain died, they lost whatever [sustenance] came to them by night. After his death, it was said, serious marks were found on Ali's back from the food-sack he used to carry at night to the homes of the widows and the poor." Only after their death one would be able to find out about what they do.
Their sincerity became so apparent because its importance was clear in their minds and alive in their souls, and their actions reflected it. It is that simple. We should imitate the righteous of our Ummah and try to conduct our actions like theirs. Sincerity is a deed of the heart which no one can see but Allah, but its fruits are evident in all aspects of a person's life and character.
To do something with sincerity is to scrutinize the deed and intention and free it from all impurities like showing off, pride, or seeking some other benefit in this life. We know that the Satan tries his best to lead people to the Hellfire, and in regards to deeds, sincerity is the easiest for him to attack. We usually know which deeds are considered Sunnah and which are not, so it is easier for the Satan to lead us astray by faltering in our sincerity. Indeed, our struggle to purify for the sake of Allah never ends.
Sufyan al-Thawri said, "I have not tried to cure from myself anything harder than my intention, for it keeps changing on me." This is because of the innate desire in all humans to seek praise from people. The Satan fuels this desire until he lands the person into Hellfire. When you think about that, you can easily see why Allah chose to forgive the prostitute mentioned in the famous hadith - who was drinking from a well in the hot desert and gave drink to a thirsty dog. Because her deed was absolutely sincere to Allah. No one was watching her, she puts her dirty shoe in her mouth, goes back into the well, fills it up, climbs to the top and gives it to the dog. Neither the dog nor any body else was going to reward her for that trouble, but Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala is there and He rewards those who do good with sincerity.
Ibrahim at-Taymi said, "The sincerely devoted one is he who conceals his good deeds like he conceals his bad ones." The righteous Muslims used to go to extremes in hiding their good deeds. Some examples of the fruits of their sincerity can help illustrate the point : Dawood bin Hind fasted for forty years and even his family did not know it. He would take his lunch from them, but would give it as charity on the way. He would then return in the night and eat with his family.
The wife of Hassan bin abi-Sinaan said, "Hassan would come, and like tricking a child to sleep, enter with me into the bed until he knows that I had slept, he would sneak out and stand in prayer."
Yes, that is how sincere they were. They would hide their deeds from everybody, even their own families."Some among the poor of Madinah lived for many years not knowing who continuously delivered their livelihood to their places, and when Ali ibn al-Hussain died, they lost whatever [sustenance] came to them by night. After his death, it was said, serious marks were found on Ali's back from the food-sack he used to carry at night to the homes of the widows and the poor." Only after their death one would be able to find out about what they do.
Their sincerity became so apparent because its importance was clear in their minds and alive in their souls, and their actions reflected it. It is that simple. We should imitate the righteous of our Ummah and try to conduct our actions like theirs. Sincerity is a deed of the heart which no one can see but Allah, but its fruits are evident in all aspects of a person's life and character.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Releasing Grudges from Your Heart
How do you feel today? I think this is one of the most frequently asked questions and one of the least correctly answered.
How many times have you been asked this question and in reality you feel awful! You feel like your world is caving in. You feel like your spiritual battery is almost flat and that you are on your hands and knees struggling through each day of your life.
Yet, despite all this, you answer, "Oh me? I'm fine." What a lie! So what does all this tell us? Well, first people are not always honest with each other. We do not always open up and say what is on our minds, but yet we keep up the nice manners, politeness, and all that to keep our relations OK with those around us.
But the second and more important point is that we live with the state of our own hearts. And that state is the very foundation onto which our being is built. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us about the importance of the heart : That which is lawful is plain and that which is unlawful is plain and between the two of them are doubtful matters about which not many people know. Thus he who avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honour, but he who falls into doubtful matters falls into that which is unlawful, like the shepherd who pastures around a sanctuary, all but grazing therein. Truly every king has a sanctuary, and truly Allah's sanctuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh which, if it be whole, all the body is whole and which, if it be diseased, all of it is diseased. Truly it is the heart. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Having a healthy heart is the basis of enjoying good health in body and mind. There are many diseases that are triggered from having a stressful mind and a troubled heart. Having a peaceful mind is one of the most sought-after things in life and very few people get it. People might search for peace and tranquility in a bottle of alcohol or in drugs of addiction that, at best, provide a quick transient moment of pleasure and relief but which plunge the person back to reality after the affects wear off.
All such attempts at gaining peace end in frustration because real peace lies deep within the heart. Peace is found in a place known only to you and your Creator. It is a place that is free of shirk-meaning that you worship only Allah the Almighty. It is free of pride-meaning you realize your smallness in the vastness of creation. It is free of corruption-meaning you live a life of piety. It is free of hate-meaning you hold no grudges and forgive easily.
For many people the last one is the hardest to achieve. Why? Is it because we live in a world where we are continually being hurt and misused by others? Difficulty and hardship are the nature of this worldly life. We all hurt and are hurt. The problem is when we forget the sins that our own hands and tongues have sent forward and, instead, focus on what others have done and said to hurt us.
When we nurture wounds-remembering harsh words that were spoken and continually recalling painful events-our sense of injustice is ignited, our anger flares, the healing of our inner wounds is slowed down, and the whole body and mind is put under great stress. So it is important to release grudges from the heart so as to not allow the heart to foster negative feelings towards others.
But how can this be done, especially when people really do say and do hurtful and harmful things to each other? We must realize from deep within our hearts that Satan is our open enemy and that he loves to sow discord, division, and bad feelings and grudges between people. Do not let him win! He waits in ambush for mankind, waiting for us to be in our weakest moment and then-whammy! His helpers from among humankind say and do things to hurt us. He wants to damage our hearts because he realizes their importance in our eternal success.
So take the first step to keep your heart free of spiritual disease and adopt a forgiving nature like that of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Allah the Almighty says: [Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than charity followed by injury. And Allah is Rich and He is Most Forbearing] (Al-Baqarah 2:263).
Compiled, edited and adapted by Khalid Latif.
How many times have you been asked this question and in reality you feel awful! You feel like your world is caving in. You feel like your spiritual battery is almost flat and that you are on your hands and knees struggling through each day of your life.
Yet, despite all this, you answer, "Oh me? I'm fine." What a lie! So what does all this tell us? Well, first people are not always honest with each other. We do not always open up and say what is on our minds, but yet we keep up the nice manners, politeness, and all that to keep our relations OK with those around us.
But the second and more important point is that we live with the state of our own hearts. And that state is the very foundation onto which our being is built. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us about the importance of the heart : That which is lawful is plain and that which is unlawful is plain and between the two of them are doubtful matters about which not many people know. Thus he who avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honour, but he who falls into doubtful matters falls into that which is unlawful, like the shepherd who pastures around a sanctuary, all but grazing therein. Truly every king has a sanctuary, and truly Allah's sanctuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh which, if it be whole, all the body is whole and which, if it be diseased, all of it is diseased. Truly it is the heart. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Having a healthy heart is the basis of enjoying good health in body and mind. There are many diseases that are triggered from having a stressful mind and a troubled heart. Having a peaceful mind is one of the most sought-after things in life and very few people get it. People might search for peace and tranquility in a bottle of alcohol or in drugs of addiction that, at best, provide a quick transient moment of pleasure and relief but which plunge the person back to reality after the affects wear off.
All such attempts at gaining peace end in frustration because real peace lies deep within the heart. Peace is found in a place known only to you and your Creator. It is a place that is free of shirk-meaning that you worship only Allah the Almighty. It is free of pride-meaning you realize your smallness in the vastness of creation. It is free of corruption-meaning you live a life of piety. It is free of hate-meaning you hold no grudges and forgive easily.
For many people the last one is the hardest to achieve. Why? Is it because we live in a world where we are continually being hurt and misused by others? Difficulty and hardship are the nature of this worldly life. We all hurt and are hurt. The problem is when we forget the sins that our own hands and tongues have sent forward and, instead, focus on what others have done and said to hurt us.
When we nurture wounds-remembering harsh words that were spoken and continually recalling painful events-our sense of injustice is ignited, our anger flares, the healing of our inner wounds is slowed down, and the whole body and mind is put under great stress. So it is important to release grudges from the heart so as to not allow the heart to foster negative feelings towards others.
But how can this be done, especially when people really do say and do hurtful and harmful things to each other? We must realize from deep within our hearts that Satan is our open enemy and that he loves to sow discord, division, and bad feelings and grudges between people. Do not let him win! He waits in ambush for mankind, waiting for us to be in our weakest moment and then-whammy! His helpers from among humankind say and do things to hurt us. He wants to damage our hearts because he realizes their importance in our eternal success.
So take the first step to keep your heart free of spiritual disease and adopt a forgiving nature like that of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Allah the Almighty says: [Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than charity followed by injury. And Allah is Rich and He is Most Forbearing] (Al-Baqarah 2:263).
Compiled, edited and adapted by Khalid Latif.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Dear children..
Dear son and daughter
The day that you see me old,
have patience and try to understand me.
If I get dirty when eating.....if I can not dress.....have patience.
Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.
If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same things a thousand and one times.....
do not interrupt me.....listen to me.
When you were small, I had to read to you a thousand and one times the same story until you got to sleep......
When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me....
Remember when I had to chase you with a thousand excuses I invented, so that you would want to bath.......
When you see my ignorance on new technologies,
give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile......
I taught you how to do so many eat good, to dress confront life.......
When at some moment I lose my memory or the thread of our conversation,
let me have the necessary time to remember....
And if I cannot do it, do not become nervous......
as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me........
If ever I do not want to eat, do not force me.
I know well when I need to and when not.
When my tired legs do not allow me to walk.............give me your hand.......
the same way I did when you made your first steps.
And when someday I become moody, and say a few nasty things......
do not get angry.......some day you will understand.....
Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.
Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes,
I always wanted the best thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you......
You must not feel sad, angry or impotent at seeing me near you.
You must be next to me.
Try to understand me and help me as I did with you when you started your life.
Help me to me to end my way with love and patience.
I will pay you with a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you.
I love you my child......
Your father
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Every righteous child who casts a look of mercy and affection upon his parents shall be granted, for every look of his, rewards equivalent to that of an accepted Hajj." Those around the Prophet (peace be upon him) questioned: "O Prophet of Allah! Even if he were to look at them a hundred times a day?" The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) replied: "Indeed! Allah is the Greatest and Most Kind. Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say, `My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood. (Qur'an 17:23-24)
Sayyidina Anas (radhiyallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) said, "Whosoever wants comfort, sustenance and long life should do good to his blood relations and treat his parents well." (Ahmad)
Sayyidina Abu Huraira (radhiyallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) once said, "May his nose be smeared in dust." Someone asked to whom was he referring to. The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) said, that the man, who has aged parents and did not avail himself of the opportunity to secure Paradise." (Bukhari, Muslim)
The day that you see me old,
have patience and try to understand me.
If I get dirty when eating.....if I can not dress.....have patience.
Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.
If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same things a thousand and one times.....
do not interrupt me.....listen to me.
When you were small, I had to read to you a thousand and one times the same story until you got to sleep......
When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me....
Remember when I had to chase you with a thousand excuses I invented, so that you would want to bath.......
When you see my ignorance on new technologies,
give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile......
I taught you how to do so many eat good, to dress confront life.......
When at some moment I lose my memory or the thread of our conversation,
let me have the necessary time to remember....
And if I cannot do it, do not become nervous......
as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me........
If ever I do not want to eat, do not force me.
I know well when I need to and when not.
When my tired legs do not allow me to walk.............give me your hand.......
the same way I did when you made your first steps.
And when someday I become moody, and say a few nasty things......
do not get angry.......some day you will understand.....
Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.
Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes,
I always wanted the best thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you......
You must not feel sad, angry or impotent at seeing me near you.
You must be next to me.
Try to understand me and help me as I did with you when you started your life.
Help me to me to end my way with love and patience.
I will pay you with a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you.
I love you my child......
Your father
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Every righteous child who casts a look of mercy and affection upon his parents shall be granted, for every look of his, rewards equivalent to that of an accepted Hajj." Those around the Prophet (peace be upon him) questioned: "O Prophet of Allah! Even if he were to look at them a hundred times a day?" The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) replied: "Indeed! Allah is the Greatest and Most Kind. Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say, `My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood. (Qur'an 17:23-24)
Sayyidina Anas (radhiyallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) said, "Whosoever wants comfort, sustenance and long life should do good to his blood relations and treat his parents well." (Ahmad)
Sayyidina Abu Huraira (radhiyallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) once said, "May his nose be smeared in dust." Someone asked to whom was he referring to. The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) said, that the man, who has aged parents and did not avail himself of the opportunity to secure Paradise." (Bukhari, Muslim)
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Selamat Hari Lahir Abah!
An old man was sitting in the courtyard of his house along with his son who had received a high education.
Suddenly a crow perched on a wall of the house. The father asked the son: What is this? The son replied: It is a crow.
After a little while the father again asked the son: What is this? The son said: It is a crow.
After a few minutes the father asked his son the third time: What is this? The son said: Father, I have just now told you that this is a crow.
After a little while the old father again asked his son the fourth time: what is this? By this time some statement of irritation was felt in the son's tone when he rebuffed his father: Father! It is a crow, a crow.
A little after the father again asked his son: What is this? This time the son replied to his father with a vein of temper. Father: You are always repeating the same question, although I have told you so many times that it is a crow. Are you not able to understand this?
The father went to his room and came back with an old diary. Opening a page he asked his son to read what was written. What the son read were the following words written in the diary:
'Today my little son was sitting with me in the courtyard, when a crow came there. My son asked me twenty-five times what it was and I told him twenty-five times that it was a crow and I did not at all feel irritated. I rather felt affection for my innocent child.'
The father then explained to his son the difference between a father's and a son's attitude. While you were a little child you asked me this question twenty-five times and I felt no irritation in replying to the question twenty-five times and when today I asked you the same question only five times, you felt irritated, annoyed and impatient with me.
Allah mentions in Surah Al-Isra' 17:23-24;
And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: "My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small."
Suddenly a crow perched on a wall of the house. The father asked the son: What is this? The son replied: It is a crow.
After a little while the father again asked the son: What is this? The son said: It is a crow.
After a few minutes the father asked his son the third time: What is this? The son said: Father, I have just now told you that this is a crow.
After a little while the old father again asked his son the fourth time: what is this? By this time some statement of irritation was felt in the son's tone when he rebuffed his father: Father! It is a crow, a crow.
A little after the father again asked his son: What is this? This time the son replied to his father with a vein of temper. Father: You are always repeating the same question, although I have told you so many times that it is a crow. Are you not able to understand this?
The father went to his room and came back with an old diary. Opening a page he asked his son to read what was written. What the son read were the following words written in the diary:
'Today my little son was sitting with me in the courtyard, when a crow came there. My son asked me twenty-five times what it was and I told him twenty-five times that it was a crow and I did not at all feel irritated. I rather felt affection for my innocent child.'
The father then explained to his son the difference between a father's and a son's attitude. While you were a little child you asked me this question twenty-five times and I felt no irritation in replying to the question twenty-five times and when today I asked you the same question only five times, you felt irritated, annoyed and impatient with me.
Allah mentions in Surah Al-Isra' 17:23-24;
And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: "My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small."
070707 : Abah, Selamat Hari lahir!! semoga Allah berikan rahmat, perlindungan, kasih sayang, rezeki yg baik, kesihatan yg baik, umur yg bermanfaat serta keberkatan dan kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat buat abah..ameen. (missing those days..huhu).
Friday, July 6, 2007
Maaf-memaafi amalan mulia..=)
Dua orang sahabat karib sedang berjalan melintasi gurun pasir. Di tengah perjalanan, mereka bertengkar, dan salah seorang menampar temannya. Orang yang kena tampar, merasa sakit hati, tapi dengan tanpa berkata-kata, dia menulis di atas pasir :
Mereka terus berjalan, sampai menemukan sebuah oasis, di mana mereka memutuskan untuk mandi. Orang yang pipinya kena tampar dan terluka hatinya, mencuba berenang namun nyaris tenggelam, dan berhasil diselamatkan oleh sahabatnya. Ketika dia mulai siuman dan rasa takutnya sudah hilang, dia menulis di sebuah batu:
Orang yang menolong dan menampar sahabatnya, bertanya,"Kenapa setelah saya melukai hatimu, kau menulisnya di atas pasir, dan sekarang kamu menulis di batu?"
Temannya sambil tersenyum menjawab,"Ketika seorang sahabat melukai kita, kita harus menulisnya di atas pasir agar angin maaf datang berhembus dan menghapus tulisan tersebut. Dan bila sesuatu yang luar biasa terjadi, kita harus memahatnya di atas batu hati kita, agar tidak bisa hilang tertiup angin."
Cerita di atas, bagaimanapun tentu saja lebih mudah dibaca berbanding diterapkan. Begitu mudahnya kita memutuskan sebuah persahabatan 'hanya' kerana sakit hati atas sebuah perbuatan atau perkataan yang menurut kita keterlaluan hingga menyakiti hati kita. Sebuah sakit hati lebih perkasa untuk merosak dibanding begitu banyak kebaikan untuk menjaga. Mungkin ini memang bagian dari sifat buruk diri kita.
Kerana itu, seseorang pernah memberitahu saya apa yang harus saya lakukan ketika saya sakit hati. Beliau mengatakan ketika sakit hati yang paling penting adalah melihat apakah memang orang yang menyakiti hati kita itu tidak kita sakiti terlebih dahulu. Bukankah sudah menjadi kewajaran sifat orang untuk membalas dendam? Maka sungguh sangat bisa jadi kita telah melukai hatinya terlebih dahulu dan dia menginginkan sakit yang sama seperti yang dia rasakan. Bisa jadi juga sakit hati kita kerana kesalahan kita sendiri yang salah dalam menafsirkan perkataan atau perbuatan teman kita. Bisa jadi kita tersinggung oleh perkataan sahabat kita yang dimaksudkannya sebagai gurauan.
Namun demikian, orang yang bijak akan selalu mengajari muridnya untuk memaafkan kesalahan-kesalahan saudaranya yang lain. Tapi ini akan sungguh sangat berat. Kerana itu beliau mengajari kami untuk 'menyerahkan' sakit itu kepada Allah -yang begitu jelas dan pasti mengetahui bagaimana sakit hati kita- dengan membaca doa, "Ya Allah, balaslah kebaikan siapapun yang telah memberikannya kepada kami dengan balasan yang jauh dari yang mereka bayangkan. Ya Allah, ampuni kesalahan-kesalahan saudara-saudara kami yang pernah menyakiti hati kami."
Bukankah Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah berkata, "Tiga hal di antara akhlak ahli surga adalah memaafkan orang yang telah menganiayamu, memberi kepada orang yang mengharamkanmu, dan berbuat baik kepada orang yang berbuat buruk kepadamu."
Kerana itu, saudara-saudaraku, mungkin aku pernah menyakiti hatimu dan kau tidak membalas, dan mungkin juga kau menyakiti hatiku kerana aku pernah menyakitimu. Namun dengan izin-Nya aku berusaha memaafkanmu. Tapi yang aku takutkan kalian tidak mau memaafkan. Sungguh, saudara-saudaraku, dosa-dosaku kepada Tuhanku telah menghimpit kedua sisi tulang rusukku hingga menyesakkan dada. Saudara-saudaraku, jika kalian tidak sanggup mendoakan aku agar aku 'ada' di hadapan-Nya, maka ikhlaskan segala kesalahan-kesalahanku. Tolong jangan kau tambahkan kehinaan pada diriku dengan mengadukan kepada Tuhan bahwa aku telah menyakiti hatimu.
p/s : pedoman bermakna untuk kita semua renungkan..inshaAllah semoga bermanfaat. =) (maafkan juga segala kesalahan diri ini, dalam sedar mahupun hanya manusia biasa).
Mereka terus berjalan, sampai menemukan sebuah oasis, di mana mereka memutuskan untuk mandi. Orang yang pipinya kena tampar dan terluka hatinya, mencuba berenang namun nyaris tenggelam, dan berhasil diselamatkan oleh sahabatnya. Ketika dia mulai siuman dan rasa takutnya sudah hilang, dia menulis di sebuah batu:
Orang yang menolong dan menampar sahabatnya, bertanya,"Kenapa setelah saya melukai hatimu, kau menulisnya di atas pasir, dan sekarang kamu menulis di batu?"
Temannya sambil tersenyum menjawab,"Ketika seorang sahabat melukai kita, kita harus menulisnya di atas pasir agar angin maaf datang berhembus dan menghapus tulisan tersebut. Dan bila sesuatu yang luar biasa terjadi, kita harus memahatnya di atas batu hati kita, agar tidak bisa hilang tertiup angin."
Cerita di atas, bagaimanapun tentu saja lebih mudah dibaca berbanding diterapkan. Begitu mudahnya kita memutuskan sebuah persahabatan 'hanya' kerana sakit hati atas sebuah perbuatan atau perkataan yang menurut kita keterlaluan hingga menyakiti hati kita. Sebuah sakit hati lebih perkasa untuk merosak dibanding begitu banyak kebaikan untuk menjaga. Mungkin ini memang bagian dari sifat buruk diri kita.
Kerana itu, seseorang pernah memberitahu saya apa yang harus saya lakukan ketika saya sakit hati. Beliau mengatakan ketika sakit hati yang paling penting adalah melihat apakah memang orang yang menyakiti hati kita itu tidak kita sakiti terlebih dahulu. Bukankah sudah menjadi kewajaran sifat orang untuk membalas dendam? Maka sungguh sangat bisa jadi kita telah melukai hatinya terlebih dahulu dan dia menginginkan sakit yang sama seperti yang dia rasakan. Bisa jadi juga sakit hati kita kerana kesalahan kita sendiri yang salah dalam menafsirkan perkataan atau perbuatan teman kita. Bisa jadi kita tersinggung oleh perkataan sahabat kita yang dimaksudkannya sebagai gurauan.
Namun demikian, orang yang bijak akan selalu mengajari muridnya untuk memaafkan kesalahan-kesalahan saudaranya yang lain. Tapi ini akan sungguh sangat berat. Kerana itu beliau mengajari kami untuk 'menyerahkan' sakit itu kepada Allah -yang begitu jelas dan pasti mengetahui bagaimana sakit hati kita- dengan membaca doa, "Ya Allah, balaslah kebaikan siapapun yang telah memberikannya kepada kami dengan balasan yang jauh dari yang mereka bayangkan. Ya Allah, ampuni kesalahan-kesalahan saudara-saudara kami yang pernah menyakiti hati kami."
Bukankah Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah berkata, "Tiga hal di antara akhlak ahli surga adalah memaafkan orang yang telah menganiayamu, memberi kepada orang yang mengharamkanmu, dan berbuat baik kepada orang yang berbuat buruk kepadamu."
Kerana itu, saudara-saudaraku, mungkin aku pernah menyakiti hatimu dan kau tidak membalas, dan mungkin juga kau menyakiti hatiku kerana aku pernah menyakitimu. Namun dengan izin-Nya aku berusaha memaafkanmu. Tapi yang aku takutkan kalian tidak mau memaafkan. Sungguh, saudara-saudaraku, dosa-dosaku kepada Tuhanku telah menghimpit kedua sisi tulang rusukku hingga menyesakkan dada. Saudara-saudaraku, jika kalian tidak sanggup mendoakan aku agar aku 'ada' di hadapan-Nya, maka ikhlaskan segala kesalahan-kesalahanku. Tolong jangan kau tambahkan kehinaan pada diriku dengan mengadukan kepada Tuhan bahwa aku telah menyakiti hatimu.
p/s : pedoman bermakna untuk kita semua renungkan..inshaAllah semoga bermanfaat. =) (maafkan juga segala kesalahan diri ini, dalam sedar mahupun hanya manusia biasa).
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Forgiveness as a way of life..
Ever wonder what life would be like if our family and friends never forgave us for the mistakes we commit? Take a moment to reflect on your own life. Think hard about it. What images do you see more often? Do you see yourself apologizing more or waiting for an apology? Now try to forget about all of those times when you felt someone else should have been asking you for forgiveness but did not come around to it.
Forget about all of those times when you felt you deserved an apology but one was not forthcoming. This is not about everyone else, it is about you. It is about you making an intentional decision, a deliberate choice to internalize forgiveness as a way of life.
What is forgiveness?
All of us, at one point or another in our lives, have had an experience that frustrated us, made us upset, resentful, or angry. The sources of difficulty might have been, among so many possibilities, the words or actions of a family member or friend, or the words or actions of a stranger. Based on the intensity of the pain or harm we perceive from such difficult moments or incidents, we sometimes find that it is not possible for us to move on, to overlook, or to look past the pain or hurt. Even worse, we sometimes find it impossible to resume normal interactions with the individual or individuals who have caused us the pain.
Forgiveness is the subsiding and ultimate elimination of feelings of anger, frustration, and resentment toward the individual or individuals who have caused us the pain, followed by a resumption of normal interactions with the individual or individuals concerned. Ultimately, forgiving a person wipes away the active memory of whatever pain or hurt that caused the rift to begin with.
This notion of wiping away, of starting anew, is rooted in Islamic teachings. One of the attributes of Allah Almighty is that He is Al-Ghaffar (the Forgiving). There are frequent occurrences in the Qur'an of the juxtaposition of the notion of Allah the Almighty forgiving us and of covering or wiping our sins away. Among the numerous examples in the Qur'an, a part of one verse in particular stands out: "... Truly Allah is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving." (4:43).
And in this same Surah, Allah Almighty reminds us again of people who strive to do good and struggle in the path of Allah: "For these, there is hope that Allah will forgive : "These are they whom Allah is likely to forgive, and Allah is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving." (4:99). The reference to forgiving our sins reminds us of a renewal of sorts, so that the slate of our actions is wiped clean. Similarly, when forgiving a person or persons, we strive to reach a level of self-restraint so that our actions with those who hurt us are no longer guided by anger or resentment, but rather by a desire to re-establish the bonds which exist between family and friends.
Obstacles to being a forgiving person
What is it about forgiving others that is so difficult? If you think about it, you can identify family members and friends you know who have found it almost impossible to be forgiving. We all might have family members who allowed an argument, over something trivial, to escalate to the point of no return. Rather than restraining anger, restraining the tongue, and restraining the hands and legs, we sometimes become vulnerable and lose control of ourselves. As a result, an uncle might not be talking to your father, or a mother might be shunning her own daughter or son. The desire not to forgive is not something unnatural.
What is unnatural, with sometimes dire consequences to one's mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health, is the savoring of, the sulking in, and as gory as it sounds, the enjoyment of, the feelings of resentment and anger towards a person. As you can tell by now, you and I are responsible for how we manage our feelings, especially when it comes to being forgiving of one another. As much as we would like to blame our inability to forgive other people, claiming that we do not forgive because the other person or persons are so bad, so unworthy of forgiveness, the reality is that not forgiving others is more a reflection about who we are, and about ourselves more than it is about other people.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has taught us clearly that exercising self-restraint, especially in situations where we would be justified fully to exact retribution, is an ideal to which every believer should aspire. We learn from the Prophet (peace be upon him), as narrated to us by Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him), that "the strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 73, Hadith 135).
Are you ready to incorporate forgiveness as a way of life? Who will be the first person you e-mail or call to tell them that he or she is forgiven? Who will you walk up to and say, "Listen, I'm sorry for holding a grudge against you for so long." Imagine how relieved you will feel knowing that you are no longer carrying around with you the burden of anger and frustration! Knowing that you have released all of that negative energy from your body will be refreshing and make it easier for you to be forgiving of others and to be forgivable by others. Indeed Allah is the Forgiving and our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mastered forgiveness as a way of life. Are you up to the challenge?
p/s : InshaAllah i'm up for that challenge..=)
Forget about all of those times when you felt you deserved an apology but one was not forthcoming. This is not about everyone else, it is about you. It is about you making an intentional decision, a deliberate choice to internalize forgiveness as a way of life.
What is forgiveness?
All of us, at one point or another in our lives, have had an experience that frustrated us, made us upset, resentful, or angry. The sources of difficulty might have been, among so many possibilities, the words or actions of a family member or friend, or the words or actions of a stranger. Based on the intensity of the pain or harm we perceive from such difficult moments or incidents, we sometimes find that it is not possible for us to move on, to overlook, or to look past the pain or hurt. Even worse, we sometimes find it impossible to resume normal interactions with the individual or individuals who have caused us the pain.
Forgiveness is the subsiding and ultimate elimination of feelings of anger, frustration, and resentment toward the individual or individuals who have caused us the pain, followed by a resumption of normal interactions with the individual or individuals concerned. Ultimately, forgiving a person wipes away the active memory of whatever pain or hurt that caused the rift to begin with.
This notion of wiping away, of starting anew, is rooted in Islamic teachings. One of the attributes of Allah Almighty is that He is Al-Ghaffar (the Forgiving). There are frequent occurrences in the Qur'an of the juxtaposition of the notion of Allah the Almighty forgiving us and of covering or wiping our sins away. Among the numerous examples in the Qur'an, a part of one verse in particular stands out: "... Truly Allah is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving." (4:43).
And in this same Surah, Allah Almighty reminds us again of people who strive to do good and struggle in the path of Allah: "For these, there is hope that Allah will forgive : "These are they whom Allah is likely to forgive, and Allah is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving." (4:99). The reference to forgiving our sins reminds us of a renewal of sorts, so that the slate of our actions is wiped clean. Similarly, when forgiving a person or persons, we strive to reach a level of self-restraint so that our actions with those who hurt us are no longer guided by anger or resentment, but rather by a desire to re-establish the bonds which exist between family and friends.
Obstacles to being a forgiving person
What is it about forgiving others that is so difficult? If you think about it, you can identify family members and friends you know who have found it almost impossible to be forgiving. We all might have family members who allowed an argument, over something trivial, to escalate to the point of no return. Rather than restraining anger, restraining the tongue, and restraining the hands and legs, we sometimes become vulnerable and lose control of ourselves. As a result, an uncle might not be talking to your father, or a mother might be shunning her own daughter or son. The desire not to forgive is not something unnatural.
What is unnatural, with sometimes dire consequences to one's mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health, is the savoring of, the sulking in, and as gory as it sounds, the enjoyment of, the feelings of resentment and anger towards a person. As you can tell by now, you and I are responsible for how we manage our feelings, especially when it comes to being forgiving of one another. As much as we would like to blame our inability to forgive other people, claiming that we do not forgive because the other person or persons are so bad, so unworthy of forgiveness, the reality is that not forgiving others is more a reflection about who we are, and about ourselves more than it is about other people.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has taught us clearly that exercising self-restraint, especially in situations where we would be justified fully to exact retribution, is an ideal to which every believer should aspire. We learn from the Prophet (peace be upon him), as narrated to us by Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him), that "the strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 73, Hadith 135).
Are you ready to incorporate forgiveness as a way of life? Who will be the first person you e-mail or call to tell them that he or she is forgiven? Who will you walk up to and say, "Listen, I'm sorry for holding a grudge against you for so long." Imagine how relieved you will feel knowing that you are no longer carrying around with you the burden of anger and frustration! Knowing that you have released all of that negative energy from your body will be refreshing and make it easier for you to be forgiving of others and to be forgivable by others. Indeed Allah is the Forgiving and our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mastered forgiveness as a way of life. Are you up to the challenge?
p/s : InshaAllah i'm up for that challenge..=)
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Our future..
We tend to plan for our future everyday,
Desperately we try to pave the way.
We save every little bit of money we can find,
And to the people who can help us achieve we are kind.
If there is something we want bad enough we're willing to fight,
For a future filled with happiness that is oh so bright.
It is unfortunate though, to fill everyone's hearts with sorrow,
But remember dear muslims our future is not tomorrow.
It is not money or fame that will get us ahead,
But the number of times we worship God before bed.
That is what will make our future unimaginably great,
So let us wake up and take control of our fate.
Tomorrow is not the future you should be planning for,
But the day you will be standing before Allah's door.
The day where we will be reminded of every last deed,
Like the day you forgot the poor because of your greed.
And what dear muslim shall you say,
When Allah asks you why you didn't pray?
No excuse will be enough,
To get out of the hellfire that will be so rough.
So let us pray, worship and keep the poor fed,
For our future begins once we are all dead.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
hati, jgn degil lagi..
Hati..ada apa dgn hati??
Dalam satu hadith kata, hati tu adalah seketul daging di mana kalau daging itu baik, baiklah jasadnya. Maksudnya hati itu memainkan peranan yg sangat penting dalam kehidupan seorang manusia. Kerana hati, orang boleh hidup dgn gembira..walaupun kehidupannya secara fizikal adalah tidak begitu senang dan selesa. Kerana hati jugak, orang yg paling berharta dan berpangkat jutawan sekalipun boleh hidup sengsara dan derita. Semuanya berbalik pada hati..hati yg mengawal kehidupan manusia di samping akal yg waras.
Disebabkan hati juga..saye tidak gembira sekarang ini. Semuanya sebab hati saye tidak tenang. Kebelakangan ni, banyak sangat dugaan dan gangguan yg mengganggu jiwa sehinggakan semuanya menjadi tak teratur dan lari dari fitrah hati yg sebenar. Dan saye tak suka macam ni..malah saye teramat benci. Saye benci berada dalam keadaan hati yg lari dari fitrahnye yg asal. Tapi akhir2 ini, hati saye ni semakin degil..selalu tewas dengan godaan syaitan, selalu terhanyut dengan perasaan. Hati dah x mampu nak bersabar lagi..dah x mampu nak melupakan apa2 yang sewajarnya dilupakan. Dah x mampu nak bersikap positif dan menerima segalanya dengan redha dan sabar. Hati dah kembali pada perangainya yg asal, walaupun dah banyak kali kena lecture ngan akal tapi hati ni macam tu jugak. Degil sungguh hati saye..
Tapi saye tak boleh benci hati ini, sebab saye hanya ade satu hati je..jadi saye kena sayang hati ini dan jaga elok2. Lain la kalau saye ade dua hati, saye boleh pilih mane satu yg paling baik dan mendengar kata. Saye cume benci pada kelemahan diri saye sendiri yg tak mampu mengawal hati, menjaga hati baik2. Maafkan saye ye hati..
Sekarang ni..hati saye tgh bersedih. Hati tgh tidak stabil. Mungkin saye sedih..sebab flatmate saye satu-persatu meninggalkan saye. Saye benci pada perpisahan tapi saye sedar hidup ini indah bila ia diseimbangkan antara pertemuan dan perpisahan. Saye sedih kerana mereka terlalu baik..mereka yg memberi keselesaan pada saye sepanjang saye tinggal kat hall ni. Mungkin sebab flat dah sunyi..jalan2 dalam flat dh x nampak orang. Dan tidak lama lg, kwn saye Cagla akan pulang ke germany. Dia classmate sy semester ni..n she's a muslim although not practising..dan dia sangat2 baik. Sedihnye..akan berpisah x lama lg..=(
Mungkin jgk sbb saye homesick..dan saye x dapat menghubungi keluarga kt rumah skrg ni..dah 2 kali tepon, hari lain2..tapi ade je masalah. Kali pertama abah angkat, tp mungkin abah x dengar suara saye, hanya saye yg dgr suara abah..last2 abah letak tepon. Kali kedua tepon xde orang angkat. Mungkin telefon rumah rosak lg agaknye. Telefon hanset adik, masuk voicemail. Dan saye rindukan wafiq..dah lama x bercakap ngan dia. Saye nak dengar suara dia..yg makin hari makin nakal dan cerdik. Skrg ni wafiq dah x nak tido umah mak long dia lg..x boleh dah berpisah ngn mak dia. Kalau datang umah, mesti dah x nak bermalam, mesti nak balik..Wafiq yg masih setia ngn Pencinta Wanita..Wafiq yg dah berumur 3 tahun..mungkin dia dah lupakan saye.
Dan saye sedih dgn persahabatan yg semakin hambar..saye sedih kerana saye tak mampu memastikan persahabatan yg terjalin kekal seperti dulu. =(
Dan saye sedih..sbb saye semakin jauh dari-Nya. Kebelakangan ni..hidup saye sgt tak terurus..segala tanggungjawab tak terjaga dgn sebaiknya. Saye sedih..sebab hati saye tak kuat melawan dugaan dan godaan syaitan. Saye sedih dgn dosa yg telah saye kumpulkan..saye sedih dgn masa yg terbazir dgn sia-sia. Saye sedih kerana hati saye terlalu degil..ibadat yg semakin tidak terasa kemanisannya. Semangat yg semakin berkurang..kekuatan yg semakin hilang. Saye benci bila saye tidak kuat, saye benci bila saye lemah..saye benci bila hati saye tidak tenang. Saye benci bila saye lalai..saye benci dgn dosa2 ini. Saye benci bila saye masih belum mampu pujuk hati saye untuk bersabar..dan saye tahu, semuanye kerana hati ini yg terlalu kotor, dipenuhi dosa2.
Ya Allah..ampuni segala dosa-dosaku. Ampuni segala kelalaian dan kealpaanku. Ampuni hatiku yg degil..degil untuk melaksanakan setiap suruhan-Mu dan meninggalkan setiap larangan-Mu. Ampuni hamba-Mu yg terlalu dhaif dan hina ini. Dan berikan diriku kekuatan dan kesabaran setiap kali ujian. Bantu diri ini untuk membuang jahiliyah yg masih sebati dgn diri..bantu diri ini untuk membuang segala penyakit hati..bantu diri ini untuk mendekatkan diri pada-Mu..dan permudahkan diri ini dalam usaha untuk melamar cinta-Mu ya Allah.
Ya Allah, aku rela dihukum di dunia dari diseksa di akhirat..aku rela tidak menerima, jika menerima hanya akan melemahkan iman ini. Jangan Kau beriku nikmat itu, jika ianya hanya akan melamar murka-Mu. Berilah apa sahaja..apa sahaja, yg baik mahupun buruk di mataku..asalkan ianya membuatkan Engkau redha padaku.
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui..Maha Mendengar segala yg terluah, mahu pun yg tersimpan di hati. Bisikkan pada hatiku kekuatan..permudahkan jalan ini ya Allah. Engkau lah sebaik-baik tempat bergantung..
~mohon dgn sangat~
Dalam satu hadith kata, hati tu adalah seketul daging di mana kalau daging itu baik, baiklah jasadnya. Maksudnya hati itu memainkan peranan yg sangat penting dalam kehidupan seorang manusia. Kerana hati, orang boleh hidup dgn gembira..walaupun kehidupannya secara fizikal adalah tidak begitu senang dan selesa. Kerana hati jugak, orang yg paling berharta dan berpangkat jutawan sekalipun boleh hidup sengsara dan derita. Semuanya berbalik pada hati..hati yg mengawal kehidupan manusia di samping akal yg waras.
Disebabkan hati juga..saye tidak gembira sekarang ini. Semuanya sebab hati saye tidak tenang. Kebelakangan ni, banyak sangat dugaan dan gangguan yg mengganggu jiwa sehinggakan semuanya menjadi tak teratur dan lari dari fitrah hati yg sebenar. Dan saye tak suka macam ni..malah saye teramat benci. Saye benci berada dalam keadaan hati yg lari dari fitrahnye yg asal. Tapi akhir2 ini, hati saye ni semakin degil..selalu tewas dengan godaan syaitan, selalu terhanyut dengan perasaan. Hati dah x mampu nak bersabar lagi..dah x mampu nak melupakan apa2 yang sewajarnya dilupakan. Dah x mampu nak bersikap positif dan menerima segalanya dengan redha dan sabar. Hati dah kembali pada perangainya yg asal, walaupun dah banyak kali kena lecture ngan akal tapi hati ni macam tu jugak. Degil sungguh hati saye..
Tapi saye tak boleh benci hati ini, sebab saye hanya ade satu hati je..jadi saye kena sayang hati ini dan jaga elok2. Lain la kalau saye ade dua hati, saye boleh pilih mane satu yg paling baik dan mendengar kata. Saye cume benci pada kelemahan diri saye sendiri yg tak mampu mengawal hati, menjaga hati baik2. Maafkan saye ye hati..
Sekarang ni..hati saye tgh bersedih. Hati tgh tidak stabil. Mungkin saye sedih..sebab flatmate saye satu-persatu meninggalkan saye. Saye benci pada perpisahan tapi saye sedar hidup ini indah bila ia diseimbangkan antara pertemuan dan perpisahan. Saye sedih kerana mereka terlalu baik..mereka yg memberi keselesaan pada saye sepanjang saye tinggal kat hall ni. Mungkin sebab flat dah sunyi..jalan2 dalam flat dh x nampak orang. Dan tidak lama lg, kwn saye Cagla akan pulang ke germany. Dia classmate sy semester ni..n she's a muslim although not practising..dan dia sangat2 baik. Sedihnye..akan berpisah x lama lg..=(
Mungkin jgk sbb saye homesick..dan saye x dapat menghubungi keluarga kt rumah skrg ni..dah 2 kali tepon, hari lain2..tapi ade je masalah. Kali pertama abah angkat, tp mungkin abah x dengar suara saye, hanya saye yg dgr suara abah..last2 abah letak tepon. Kali kedua tepon xde orang angkat. Mungkin telefon rumah rosak lg agaknye. Telefon hanset adik, masuk voicemail. Dan saye rindukan wafiq..dah lama x bercakap ngan dia. Saye nak dengar suara dia..yg makin hari makin nakal dan cerdik. Skrg ni wafiq dah x nak tido umah mak long dia lg..x boleh dah berpisah ngn mak dia. Kalau datang umah, mesti dah x nak bermalam, mesti nak balik..Wafiq yg masih setia ngn Pencinta Wanita..Wafiq yg dah berumur 3 tahun..mungkin dia dah lupakan saye.
Dan saye sedih dgn persahabatan yg semakin hambar..saye sedih kerana saye tak mampu memastikan persahabatan yg terjalin kekal seperti dulu. =(
Dan saye sedih..sbb saye semakin jauh dari-Nya. Kebelakangan ni..hidup saye sgt tak terurus..segala tanggungjawab tak terjaga dgn sebaiknya. Saye sedih..sebab hati saye tak kuat melawan dugaan dan godaan syaitan. Saye sedih dgn dosa yg telah saye kumpulkan..saye sedih dgn masa yg terbazir dgn sia-sia. Saye sedih kerana hati saye terlalu degil..ibadat yg semakin tidak terasa kemanisannya. Semangat yg semakin berkurang..kekuatan yg semakin hilang. Saye benci bila saye tidak kuat, saye benci bila saye lemah..saye benci bila hati saye tidak tenang. Saye benci bila saye lalai..saye benci dgn dosa2 ini. Saye benci bila saye masih belum mampu pujuk hati saye untuk bersabar..dan saye tahu, semuanye kerana hati ini yg terlalu kotor, dipenuhi dosa2.
Ya Allah..ampuni segala dosa-dosaku. Ampuni segala kelalaian dan kealpaanku. Ampuni hatiku yg degil..degil untuk melaksanakan setiap suruhan-Mu dan meninggalkan setiap larangan-Mu. Ampuni hamba-Mu yg terlalu dhaif dan hina ini. Dan berikan diriku kekuatan dan kesabaran setiap kali ujian. Bantu diri ini untuk membuang jahiliyah yg masih sebati dgn diri..bantu diri ini untuk membuang segala penyakit hati..bantu diri ini untuk mendekatkan diri pada-Mu..dan permudahkan diri ini dalam usaha untuk melamar cinta-Mu ya Allah.
Ya Allah, aku rela dihukum di dunia dari diseksa di akhirat..aku rela tidak menerima, jika menerima hanya akan melemahkan iman ini. Jangan Kau beriku nikmat itu, jika ianya hanya akan melamar murka-Mu. Berilah apa sahaja..apa sahaja, yg baik mahupun buruk di mataku..asalkan ianya membuatkan Engkau redha padaku.
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui..Maha Mendengar segala yg terluah, mahu pun yg tersimpan di hati. Bisikkan pada hatiku kekuatan..permudahkan jalan ini ya Allah. Engkau lah sebaik-baik tempat bergantung..
~mohon dgn sangat~
Monday, July 2, 2007
Jaga kesihatan..
Rasulullah bersabda : "Mu'min yang kuat adalah lebih baik dan lebih dicintai Allah daripada mu'min yang lemah....."(HR Muslim).
Bagaimana untuk sihat seperti Rasulullah s.a.w.?
Ikuti resepi berikut :
Rasul selalu mengajak ummatnya untuk bangun sebelum shubuh, melaksanakan solat sunat dan solat Fardhu, solat shubuh berjemaah. Hal ini memberi hikmah yg mendalam antara lain :
-Berlimpah pahala dari Allah
-Kesegaran udara subuh yg bagus/ kesihatan/ terapi penyakit TBC
-Memperkuat pikiran dan menyihatkan perasaan
Rasul selalu senantiasa rapi & bersih, tiap hari khamis atau Jumaat beliau mencuci rambut2 halus di pipi, selalu memotong kuku, bersisir dan berminyak wangi.
Sabda Rasul :"Kami adalah sebuah kaum yang tidak makan sebelum lapar dan bila kami makan tidak terlalu banyak (tidak sampai kekenyangan)" (Muttafaq Alaih).
Dalam tubuh manusia ada 3 ruang untuk 3 benda : Sepertiga untuk udara, sepertiga untuk air dan sepertiga lainnya untuk makanan. Bahkan ada satu tarbiyyah khusus bagi ummat Islam dgn adanya Puasa Ramadhan untuk menyeimbangkan kesihatan.
Rasul selalu berjalan kaki ke Masjid, pasar, medan jihad, mengunjungi rumah sahabat, dan sebagainya. Dengan berjalan kaki, keringat akan mengalir, pori2 terbuka dan peredaran darah akan berjalan lancar. Ini penting untuk mencegah penyakit jantung
Nasihat Rasulullah : "Jangan Marah" diulangi sampai 3 kali. Ini menunjukkan hakikat kesihatan dan kekuatan Muslim bukanlah terletak pada jasadiyah belaka, tetapi lebih jauh yaitu dilandasi oleh kebersihan dan kesihatan jiwa.
Ada terapi yang tepat untuk menahan marah :
- Mengubah posisi ketika marah, bila berdiri maka duduk, dan bila duduk maka berbaring
- Membaca Ta 'awwudz, kerana marah itu dari Syaithon
- Segeralah berwudhu
- Solat 2 rakaat untuk meraih ketenangan dan menghilangkan kegundahan hati
Sikap optimis akan memberikan kesan psikologi yang mendalam bagi kelapangan jiwa. Sabar, istiqomah dan bekerja keras, serta tawakal kepada Allah SWT.
Untuk menjaga hati & kesihatan jiwa, menjauhi iri hati merupakan tindakan preventif yang sangat tepat.
Bagaimana untuk sihat seperti Rasulullah s.a.w.?
Ikuti resepi berikut :
Rasul selalu mengajak ummatnya untuk bangun sebelum shubuh, melaksanakan solat sunat dan solat Fardhu, solat shubuh berjemaah. Hal ini memberi hikmah yg mendalam antara lain :
-Berlimpah pahala dari Allah
-Kesegaran udara subuh yg bagus/ kesihatan/ terapi penyakit TBC
-Memperkuat pikiran dan menyihatkan perasaan
Rasul selalu senantiasa rapi & bersih, tiap hari khamis atau Jumaat beliau mencuci rambut2 halus di pipi, selalu memotong kuku, bersisir dan berminyak wangi.
Sabda Rasul :"Kami adalah sebuah kaum yang tidak makan sebelum lapar dan bila kami makan tidak terlalu banyak (tidak sampai kekenyangan)" (Muttafaq Alaih).
Dalam tubuh manusia ada 3 ruang untuk 3 benda : Sepertiga untuk udara, sepertiga untuk air dan sepertiga lainnya untuk makanan. Bahkan ada satu tarbiyyah khusus bagi ummat Islam dgn adanya Puasa Ramadhan untuk menyeimbangkan kesihatan.
Rasul selalu berjalan kaki ke Masjid, pasar, medan jihad, mengunjungi rumah sahabat, dan sebagainya. Dengan berjalan kaki, keringat akan mengalir, pori2 terbuka dan peredaran darah akan berjalan lancar. Ini penting untuk mencegah penyakit jantung
Nasihat Rasulullah : "Jangan Marah" diulangi sampai 3 kali. Ini menunjukkan hakikat kesihatan dan kekuatan Muslim bukanlah terletak pada jasadiyah belaka, tetapi lebih jauh yaitu dilandasi oleh kebersihan dan kesihatan jiwa.
Ada terapi yang tepat untuk menahan marah :
- Mengubah posisi ketika marah, bila berdiri maka duduk, dan bila duduk maka berbaring
- Membaca Ta 'awwudz, kerana marah itu dari Syaithon
- Segeralah berwudhu
- Solat 2 rakaat untuk meraih ketenangan dan menghilangkan kegundahan hati
Sikap optimis akan memberikan kesan psikologi yang mendalam bagi kelapangan jiwa. Sabar, istiqomah dan bekerja keras, serta tawakal kepada Allah SWT.
Untuk menjaga hati & kesihatan jiwa, menjauhi iri hati merupakan tindakan preventif yang sangat tepat.
Selingan : Selamat Hari Lahir nadiah..! semoga sentiasa dlm rahmat, perlindungan dan kasih sayang Ilahi..n all d best! =)
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