Simply the word Hijab means modesty. It’s the clothes you wear, the way you carry yourself, and most commonly, the scarf on your head. One who wears Hijab is called a muhajibah, or a hijabi, or scarfie in slang. But other than these few words of definition, a Hijab means so many other things.
"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest; and let them not display their adornment except that which is apparent; and let them draw their headscarves over their chests as to not reveal their adornment except to their husbands and mahram." The Holy Qur’an 24:31.
Hijab means faith. When you put the scarf on your head and cover your body from top to bottom all because it is what is required in Islam, then you have faith. You may not even understand Hijab yet, but because you know that Allah knows best you still wear it. You have faith in Islam, faith in Allah, and faith in yourself.
"Hayaa (modesty) and Iman (faith) are fully associated together, if one is lifted, the other follows suit." Prophet Muhammad, related by Al Haakim.
Hijab means strength. It is not easy to wear a Hijab in a non-Islamic society. People may taunt, insult, and treat you badly just because you are different. It takes strength to put up with their intolerant, immature behavior and still wear you scarf proudly.
Hijab means self-worth. Women in general like to be showpieces. If God blessed them with any bit of beauty, they magnify it with make up or tight clothes and parade it in front of any man who will look. They make their bodies public property. A hijabi has self worth because she knows that no one has the right to see her beauties unless she lets them. A muhajibah does not give out free samples. If you want to see what she looks like, then you have to marry her.
"Any woman who takes off her clothes in other than her husband’s home (to show off or for any unlawful purposes) has broken Allah’s shield upon her." Prophet Muhammad, reported by Abu Dawud and At Tirmidhi.
Hijab means submission to Allah. When a sister puts on her scarf, it is not because she is ruled by men, society, or her own inflated ego. It means that she is a servant of Allah, as all Muslims are, and that it is only Allah that she obeys. She ignores the society around her that tells her that she is worthless unless she is beautiful for all to see. She ignores her nafs, which is her lower self, that tells her she wants to be pretty and admired. She ignores them all and submits to Allah, the All Powerful, because the outcome of her test is in His hands alone. Only He decides whether she goes to heaven or hell.
Hijab means intelligence. The muhajibah defines herself as an intelligent mind first, not as a pretty face. She knows that beauty is only skin deep and that outward beauty fades. There is no point in flaunting and obsessing over an aspect of yourself that is only temporary and only due to your genes. The muhajibah works on cultivating herself, her mind, her soul, and her Iman so that on the Day of Judgment she can meet Allah with the knowledge that she did her best.
"The most evil of your women are the Mutabar’rijat (those who make a dazzling display of themselves) and the Mutakhayelat (those who strut and swagger), and they are the hypocrites." Prophet Muhammad, on the authority of Al Baihaqi.
Hijab means endurance. It is not easy to cover your head and body every day with thick clothes from your ankle to your wrists. Sometimes it gets really hot and it feels like every pore of your skin wants air; but as a muhajibah, you endure. You wear your scarf every day remembering that while today may be hot, hell will be hotter.
Hijab means wisdom. It takes a wise person to realize the true nature of human kind. A muhajibah realizes that Allah made women beautiful, but also smart enough to know that not all men can control the way they feel towards a beautiful woman. A hijabi knows the facts about rape, and realizes that a covered woman has far less likely chance of being raped. It is hard for a man to desire what he cannot see. Also, a hijabi knows that Allah created a balance in the world. The laws Allah has made are for the good of mankind.
Hijab means Da’wah. It is the duty of every Muslim to convey the message of Islam to others. One way to do that is to inform people of what Islam is about through your actions. When they see a scarf on your head, they will want to know why you wear it. When they see that you’re not the mindless, frightened, unintelligent terrorist they thought you were, the ignorance they carried towards Islam will be lessened. By wearing a Hijab you invite religious discussions and Da’wah.
Hijab means liberation. When you choose to cover yourself, contrary to the wishes of the world around you, then you have liberated yourself of their influence. When you choose to cover the beauty you know you have, even while your ego tells you not to, then you have liberated yourself from your nafs. When you ignore the whispers of the Shaitan among men and jinn who tell you "Take it off, just for one day, everyone will see how pretty you are," then you liberate yourself from Shaitan. You are bound only to Allah, your creator.
By Zarina Khan

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